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Technology Wrapped Up Amid Covid-19


“If you treat this disease normally, it will treat you abnormally,” the health cabinet secretary spoke soberly with an authoritative voice packed with finality. His sayings which were apt, witty and often hilarious were incontrovertibly right. I turned away from the television, which was airing the daily live briefing updates and pattered away, heading to our porch, as my head swiveled around a bit then it came to my realization that it was all around us. The cars could be heard being tooted outside while the birds, with their prehensile claws, rested on the telephone wires. It was commonly termed as the ‘forth basic need’; technology- the usage of science and scientific knowledge for practical knowledge.

Outside, the sun glared down, hot and punishing. I felt like I was living in a permanent state of déjà vu as me, my family and everyone around the world struggled to adapt to the ‘new normal’. It came to my understanding that technology had a formidably amicable role in making our lives easier and more convenient. Communication, for instance, would be the hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic were it not for technology. Starting from the daily updates of the numbers of confirmed cases, recoveries and fatalities to other current affairs happening in each and every corner of the world, technology has proven, not once but an infinite number of times, to be the backbone of it all. What better way would we be acquainted with the Covid-19 apprises at our respective dwellings if technology would be non-existent?

Moreover, the simplest things such as communicating to family and friends whom inevitable circumstances force them to be miles away from us, is made easier by simply dialing and calling them from our various devices such as mobile phones and computers. The herald era is long forgotten as it would mean that the messengers needed to travel on foot for several days with the aim of delivering information. However, according to the situation at hand all over the world at the moment, any carelessness from such a method would lead to ghastly repercussions.

The hooting of vehicles from the road interrupted my chain of thoughts as I acknowledged the great evolution in the transport sector. Considering essential services through couriers, one can receive and send goods from one town to its destination point without having to travel for hours. This is of essence as the social distancing measure is observed since travelling in cramped spaces with strangers is as risky as spinning a coin at the mercy of a lavatory bowl.

The 12th day of March of this year marked the day when the first case was reported in the country. From then on, each and every person was affected, either directly or indirectly. The education sector, for instance, lies in a cul-de-sac as school going activities were left at a standstill in order to contain the virus. In spite of that, students right now, from their various abodes in the community, have a reason to smile. Online studying has become a reality due to a number of platforms in the internet that can facilitate learning. Learners can acquire revision materials and even inquire from online tutors on matters pertaining education. However, other students are missing out on this opportunity due to factors such as living in marginalized areas that receive little or no connection. Lack of electricity has proven to be a major drawback in these areas. Nevertheless, the government and some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are striving to provide devices such as solar panels to the households affected.

It is no doubt that technology has affected trade immensely, therefore correspondingly affecting the community at large. E-Commerce, a trend mostly seen in business text books, is highly recommended in combating Covid-19 with the aim of reducing community transmissions since staying at home is the best way to go. Businesses have shifted to selling their merchandise online through trading websites. Hotels, for example, have been affected greatly by the pandemic. However, eatables can now be delivered to individual houses. This not only profits the hotel industry but it also benefits the community as a whole since social distancing and surface transmission is observed while at it.

Dark clouds gathered and the sound of thunder roaring was heard. The abrupt changes in weather were reliable signs of an impending storm. As I walked swiftly back into the house, I got to learn that the day’s caseload on Covid-19 was the highest recorded so far. My insides were palpitating with fretfulness. I felt like I descended into a black pit of gloom; a wallowing morass of despair. Kadogo, my younger brother, sprinted into the room and changed the channel. A red-haired mongrel with lanky legs was singing a song of washing hands. Kadogo burst into a sensational laughter, his eyes still glued on the screen in zeal and enthusiasm. Despite the crisis going on all over the globe, devices such as televisions, mobile phones and computers play a major role in our family’s entertainment, which acts as an assuage amid the pandemic.

Mental health should not be tossed aside during such commonly termed as ‘tough times’. We can be entertained through countless programs and shows on our screens. Furthermore, through innumerable sites and platforms in the internet, one is able to learn new hobbies from several tutorials such as painting, filming and coding. I, for one, was an enthusiast of the annual music festival. Despite the fact that all social gatherings were cancelled and over ally schools unjustifiably closed, previous videos of past performances have been recorded and one can easily acquire them through the internet.

The church is, indisputably, a community of believers. However, the community is far much affected by the Corona virus, owing to the fact that social gatherings need to be controlled in order to curb the virus. Nonetheless, digital platforms have made it possible for worshipping services to be streamed live through social media sites.

In conclusion, it is agreeable to conclude that technology has played a key role in fighting the novel Corona virus pandemic. In addition, it has to an extent saved both individual and community’s lives and livelihoods.

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